Slope Racing 3D

Played 338 times.

About Slope Racing 3D

Slope Racing 3D puts gravity in charge of slope racing. A 3D ball and no humanoid programs appear in this part of the Tron universe. You must aid the ball to reach the slope's bottom even though there is none. The job may be done by gravity, but you have the control.

How to play Slope Racing3D

Though a rolling ball is a simple concept, numerous games have used it successfully. Since it has the ball, rolling, and rolling, this game wants to join them. Follow this ball down an endless slope and try to keep it safe. Descending the several random ramps increases the difficulty. It can be exciting when roads narrow and new obstacles appear, but you must stay focused.

Slope Racing 3D, a 3D infinite runner where a ball rolls down a hill using the mouse and keyboard. Move the ball left and right with the A/Left Arrow and D/Right Arrow keys. You can also choose and use power-ups on the right side of the screen with the mouse and Left Mouse Button. Roll the ball as far and far down as possible to collect gems.

Track the Slope

The ball rolls down the slope automatically; you steer it. It will keep a constant speed but can be enhanced by yellow trackpads. Only gems can be collected by rolling the ball into them. Your track will narrow, slant, and have spaces for the ball to fall through as you roll. Besides falling through gaps or off the sides, red stones sprinkled over the track will destroy the ball on impact.

The power-ups are Shield, Magnet, and Multiplier. The Shield shields the ball from red blocks. The Magnet lets the ball collect gems remotely. Multiplier boosts distance score. The main menu shop sells power-ups and ball skins for gems.


Playing Slope Racing 3D on your keyboard requires only two buttons:

  • Left Arrow/A/Q—Steer ball left
  • Right Arrow/D/E steers ballright
  • This requires keeping the ball on the borderless track and avoiding obstacles. Dangerous obstacles will be red. These items can be stationary or moving blocks or red-walled tunnels. Hit these or fall off the sides to end the run.

Tricks and Tips

The good news is that you'll see far down the Slope Racing 3D so you know what to expect. Hit boosters whenever possible because they suggest a big jump. Focus on staying in the middle of the track rather than getting all the diamonds.

Have fun and good luck!

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